Hey guys this week has been awesome! I have been having more fun while working harder than last transfer. Elder Last and I get along super well and he is doing an amazing job training me. We are both hoping to stay here at least another transfer which will be just after Christmas.
Elder Last is a pretty good cook and has been cooking me a bunch of different things and kind of teaching me how. Like last Monday he grilled us some pretty good pork and smoked it as well! A while ago in about the beginning of September I locked my u lock on my bike and then lost the key, but we never biked so it didn't really matter. This transfer we wanted to save our miles to use them to go to the farther cities more. So I finally got my u lock cut off and I'm gonna send it home as a souvenir. He actually had to take it into his work to get it off, but it worked.
On Tuesday we had a district meeting over Skype but it took us like a half an hour to get it set up because it wasn't working and then when Elder Araoz started saying the prayer we couldn't hear him so it was kind of awkward. We ended up just doing a conference call to hear and Skype to see. We tried to go see Mollie again with Sister McBride and Sister Seger but when we got there Sister McBride was there, but Sister Seger wasn't and she wouldn't answer her phone because cell service doesn't always work. We went and talked a little bit with Mollie but we couldn't go inside because there is a rule that you can't go inside unless there is 3 guys or 3 girls so we just talked a little bit outside her apartment but couldn't really teach a lesson. She is going through a hard time right now and might lose her job. She lost her Book of Mormon and pretty much begged us for another so she really does want to read it and I think she will be baptized eventually. She said to come back tomorrow if we could. We had dinner at President Hoskins and he had us teach them a lesson as if they were investigators and then told us what we could do better. They both served missions so they helped a lot. We went and got my bike from Brother Calls and then they pretty much fed us a second dinner, I couldn't say no to lasagna.
On Wednesday we were in New Prague and just biked around. We didn't really get to see anyone because no one was home. It was kind of fun to just ride bikes though. We went to the church at 6 to eat dinner that Sister Seger made and then Sister Odegaard was supposed to come because she wanted a blessing and one for her little boy too. She never showed up though and we waited like 2 hours. While we were there though we were able to give a blessing to Brother Thomas because he has been sick and they were moving the next day to Arizona. After that it wasn't quite 9 yet so we went on an obedience walk down Main Street just to stay out as long as we were supposed to. We met a guy named Darius that is pretty cool and is willing to let us come teach him. It shows that if you are obedient to the Lord he will bless you!
Thursday we pretty much changed our whole day just to see Mollie. We started it off going to the library after studies to do things on the computer that you can't do on the iPads, like Mormon.org. We didn't have a lot to do so we made a bunch of phone calls that we needed to make and then went back to the apartment and cleaned up a little because there were going to be inspections the next day. We went to Belle Plaine and tried to see some people before we saw Mollie. We did get to see Addison, who is 15, and we just talked to him about skateboarding and computers. He was saying things that didn't make sense about computers and I just kind of acted like I knew what he was saying. We went and picked up Mitch and then went to see Mollie at a time she chose and then the kids came and told us to come inside and then we came inside, I took off my shoes and then she asked if we could come back later because she was going to have dinner with her neighbor. The kids begged for us to stay, but we weren't able to teach her then either. So we left and went and stopped by a referral named Festus. We knocked on his door and just told him who we were and he told us to hold on and then he opened the garage and we sat in there and taught him the restoration. He asked us how to pray and we gave him a Book of Mormon to read and pray about. He was super nice and thanked us for coming and said to come back. He is from Ghana which is really cool.
On Friday we didn't do a lot because we had to go up to Lakeville to get our oil changed. We drove up after studies and we got there and they let you sit in the car while they worked on it. Then we went and ate at subway for lunch! It had been forever since I had subway. We drove down to Montgomery to see Little Fawn and Joseph and we were going to see how they felt about baptism again. Joseph was sleeping so we just talked to Little Fawn. We had a lesson prepared but we felt it was better to talk about other things that she wanted to know. She goes to aa meetings from her addictions she used to have and she had never been taught the word of wisdom so we taught her a little about that and she told us she wanted to stop smoking and that all they do at aa meetings is talks and smoke and drink tea. She is awesome though.
Saturday we just did a lot of service. We worked at the food shelf in the morning then went and mowed Sister Grewes lawn then President Hoskins called and asked us if we could help him put up a fence with his boss, who is a less active. We marked it all up and then we used an auger to dig holes. It wasn't too hard but took awhile to do. We went and got haircuts at Sister Calls because we couldn't on p day because we are in Faribault. Then we went to the shotgun shoot and I just got to watch them shoot and eat dinner.
We had some less actives come to church on Sunday which was kind of cool. We didn't have any investigators come to church either. We went to Le Sueur with Brother Brimhall and Mitch and then Brother Brimhall was tired so he took a nap when we got there. So we walked to an investigators house, he wasn't home but we met someone while we walked named Margarita. Then we saw Tana for a little bit but we couldn't talk long. We went to Belle Plaine and had dinner at the Harcourts and then tried to see Mollie with Sister Walsh and Mitch but she wasn't home. We went back to New Prague and talked with Brother Skok and then went and packed and drove to Faribault and stayed the night for district p day. We got to their apartment and they weren't there, but their phone and everything was still there. Like a half an hour later they both pop out of the closet!
Today we went on a 5 mile hike on a trail and then went and ate and now we are at the church watching the best two years! So Elder Last and I have been reading all the conference talks and Utchdorfs talk in the women's session was really cool. It talks a lot about faith and he tells a story about some missionaries that were knocking on doors in some apartments and they went and went through the first floor and no one answered, the second and the third were the same but then on the fourth floor last door this little girl answered the door and they asked for her mom so she went and asked her mom and her mom just lost her husband. The mom didn't want to talk to them but the little girl told her they were really nice so she did. They were baptized two months later and that little girl ended up being Utchdorfs wife. It makes me want to be able to knock on that fourth floor and that last door and you could use that in a lot of different ways in all you are doing.
Anyways this week was awesome and I am loving being with Elder Last and I am super excited for this transfer!
Elder Bullock
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Elder Last and I on a hike![]() (Not sure of the story behind these pictures!)--Tayson's mom |
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